Monday, January 16, 2012

Day two juice fast

Okay so it is almost the end of day two. I worked this morning so that added a nice twist...I wasn't sure if I would have the strength or gumption to make it through and to be nice to boot. I survived. Barely. It is tough being so far from my juicer...I did make two big containers Sunday night one sweet one savory as I did tonight. So I am ready for tomorrow, well as ready as I can be.
Thoughts and observations:
I was hungry and it sucked. I really wanted a Big Mac (yes I know I have been a vegetarian for over a year now), but I really wanted one. I find myself thinking about food. All. The. Time. This make me wonder how I have let it rule my life for well all my life.
Also day two with no caffeine. Have had a slight headache, but it could be a bunch of things not just the no caffeine. Nose is slightly clogged, but I also haven't used my allergy medicine.
I did not exercise today and think I will swim as gently as possible tomorrow - trying to let my body adjust to no solid food.
My tongue is still funky. Feels like I drank way too much - that thick dry kind of feeling.

Did you know you an juice the following?
green beans
bok choy

blue berries and tomatoes are goopy when juiced.
cucumbers taste like melon when juiced

It is supposed to get easier. I hope it does. Have I mentioned I am hungry? I think the hunger is more mental. I am full. I am full. I am full.
Oh and I should take some pictures shouldn't I? Maybe tomorrow.

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