Thursday, May 18, 2017

I am happiest when I am creating.

Chicago is a haven of resale shops and thrift stores.
This leads to finding and deciding and maybe a few tears leaving certain treasures behind.

Sometimes you stumble on a little gem and see its potential.

This was one of those trips.

This is a little woven wooden wreath and I saw something in it so I had to have it. I brought it home and in true 'me' fashion I didn't take nearly as many pictures as I should have. 

This lady needed a few costume changes before I found her new found her perfect outfit.
We tried on a shade of coral - yuck. Then we tried on a beautiful shade of turquoise - also yuck. Neither matched her eyes.

So I went back to my tried and true love of metallics.
BAM she had found her perfect outfit. 

Also pictured are my touched up gazing ball (aka painted bowling ball) and freshly painted matching stand!

Now she needed some accessories. And I had the perfect items to gussy her up.

I am a collector of rocks and shells from numerous trips from all over. I have bags of them and most serve no break out the paint and give them purpose. 

Now to attach the painted shells to the wreath and add some gorgeous feathers (an Ohio neighbor has raised fowl of all kinds for years and are a great supplier of gorgeous naturally shed feathers). 

I thought I was done, but it felt like it needed more. Always MORE!!!
So a few more feathers and NOW it feels complete and the bling has been added in a sufficient amount.

Here is this newly transformed beauty. I am smitten. I hope to find her the perfect home to love her as much as I do!

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