Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Is it avocado season yet? January salads.

A week and a half into 2017...are you keeping your resolutions?

I am sure many of you have made some type of resolution to become more healthy. Whether it is to lose weight, or to eat better and get off medications, or to just be less lazy, resolutions are hard to keep. Making small changes and committing to daily changes can help. Sometimes it isn't you that actively makes the decision. Sometimes, just sometimes your body tells you quit giving me all this junk and craves something fresh - something real.

Today my body said salad...veggies...real food. Actually it has said this to me several times over the past few weeks and I try to listen. 

I am sure if you are on any form of social media you have seen the ridiculously easy - you can do this - make at home - in one dish - never have to do dishes again meals. You know the ones. 

One keeps popping up in two versions both containing the green goodness of my beloved avocado - here is the one without beans. A quick view and a trip to the grocery store and I am ready. I am a horrible recipe follower and most times wing it with a basic knowledge of what I am about to construct. If you ever ask me for a recipe be prepared for words like a pinch of this and glub glub of that. If you are a true blue scrape the spoon to make sure you only have 1/4 of a teaspoon my cooking may just drive you batty and I am okay with that.

Before you have a meltdown I mostly measure when I bake. Mostly.

Okay recipe below, but here is the ease and wonderful whole food get in my belly deliciousness from tonight...inspired by all of those social media posts about food.

The beginnings of the dish. 
Let the chopping begin! 
Tomatoes and a cucumber.

Next up red onion, avocado, and cilantro.

I suppose you could leave the cilantro out, but that would be a tragedy.

I know.  I know. There is some science behind why some people loathe cilantro and think it tastes like soap. Me, I adore it. It reminds me of travel and amazing food and places...
Next, throw everything in a bowl and make it one.

I seriously could have eaten the whole bowl. It was AH-MAZING. The only change maybe for next time would be to add some cooked beans - not sure what type black beans or maybe garbanzo the possibilities are endless.

I think I may have the rest for breakfast!

Here is the recipe in one place...

The Garlic Expressions Classic Vinaigrette was new to me here in Chicago even though it is made in Perrysburg, Ohio (and I grew up in Ohio). This stuff is amazing. It is a great salad dressing and a marinade. If you have never tried it. You should. You can get it HERE on Amazon along with everything else.

Do you have a go to side dish or salad the feeds your soul when you are craving real foods? Something I need to try? Let me know!!!!

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