Wednesday, August 17, 2016

The easiest bread you will ever make - Cinnamon Sugar Version

I love bread.
Bread is good. 
Homemade bread is the best.

Bread doesn't have to be this intense hours long endurance marathon of flour and yeast. In fact this recipe takes less than 60 minutes from start to finish...of course I often get distracted and it may take me a bit longer, but no worries I have yet to destroy this bread.

I found this while searching for who knows what, but I am so happy I stumbles on this recipe. At its most basic it is five ingredients. After that, the sky is the limit. In this post I attempted a cinnamon sugar version...but if you want basic just leave it out.

What you need:
1.5 cups warmish water. Think warm enough to start the yeast but not fry it. 
1 Tablespoon of honey - I like as local and raw as possible.
1 packet of yeast and I am finding quality matters as far as yeast goes. I am really liking this Platinum brand.
1.5 teaspoons of salt (quite honestly I totally wing this part and just use the grinder until I am annoyed by turning it).
Combine these is a large bowl and let them get to know each other for about 10 minutes. A nice foam will form on the top.
After they have sufficiently bonded add the flour.
The quantity really depends on several factor including humidity and temperature I have found...
3.5-4.5 cups of flour. I mix it in with my hands until the dough is no longer sticky. That's it.

 I mix it in with my hands until the dough is no longer sticky. That's it.

If you are going for plain bread you would form a loaf and set it on a cookie sheet or whatever your preferred bread baking implement...Let it rise for ten minutes while the oven is heating to 400 degrees.
Cook for 20ish minutes (mine usually go about 25, but it depends on your oven). Bam done.

For this loaf I went all fancy like and made it a cinnamon sugar loaf.
I flattened it like a pizza dough on my cookie sheet (I put down either corn meal or flour on the pan so it doesn't stick) and added several pats of butter and a quick mixture of cinnamon and brown sugar. I didn't measure just threw caution to the wind and it was good.
Flattened on the cookie sheet.

 I folded the bread up trying to seal my seems so all the goodness didn't drip out, covered it, and let it rise for about 10 minutes while the oven heated.

Resting bread...

Post rising.

I added three slits across the top because I am fancy like that.
This loaf cooked for just about 25 minutes.

Look at that gorgeous piece of deliciousness...

I turned out delicious. What I would change...stretch the dough a little more and roll it up a bit tighter! But it wasn't too big of a deal. I would call this a success and I will add this into the rotation.

Easy variations:

  • Use garlic salt instead of plain salt. 
  • Add in various herbs. 
  • Make vegan by subbing sugar or brown sugar for the honey.
  • Brush the top with olive oil or butter and sprinkle on herbs or cinnamon and sugar.

This is the same basic recipe with added fresh crushed garlic and onion in the dough and olive oil brushed on top with oregano and thyme sprinkled on the top.

Seriously. Try this. It is that easy.

Directions in one place:
1.5 cups warm water. Think warm enough to start the yeast but not fry it. 
1 Tablespoon of honey
1 packet of yeast 
1.5 teaspoons of salt
Combine these is a large bowl and let them get to know each other for about 10 minutes
3.5-4.5 cups of flour
Form a loaf and let it rise for about 10 minutes. 
Preheat oven to 400 degrees
Cook for 20-25 minutes

Adapted from My Mundane and Miraculous Life. Thank you!!

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