Monday, August 8, 2016

Food on sticks and other deep fried pleasures.

This weekends adventures were plenty, but they culminated in a trip to the Wisconsin State Fair!
One of the many joys of living in the Chicago area is access to the beautiful state of Wisconsin. In fact it takes us less time to drive to the border than it does to drive into the city...go figure.

The adventure begins...

Before ya know it...Wisconsin you betcha!
I will say the parking situation was a bit frustrating, but we survived and made our way to land of deep friend everything. This is the fourth state fair I have been to and I believe the smallest, but it was busy and people were friendly.
True story.
The food adventure began with deep fried green olives on a stick. They taste exactly how you imagine they would. My sodium level jumped at least 200 points within minutes.
Of course they come with ranch...

No, we didn't try it.

They choices in culinary delights seemed endless...

There was an entire cream puff factory in here and satellite selling stations throughout the grounds.

We did learn that one MUST HAVE is the Original Cream Puff. A tradition at the state fair for years. There is an entire building dedicated to the sugary creations and the website said last year over 500,000 were sold. They are so popular there is drive up service so you can just grab your dozen and go...of course we had to try them.

Being from Ohio I have had the Schmidt Cream Puff which I appreciate. These were different. Same type of puff pastry, but the filling was a healthy (probably not) dose of real whipped cream. There is no delicate way of eating these...just dive in.

They are so confident in their ability to bring on an episode or possibly a heart attack all the boxes list the number to the on site ambulance service. The Wisconsin people are so thoughtful or maybe they have learned from experience.

One unforeseen, but welcome treat was the passion and dedication Wisconsinites have for their beer. It was everywhere. Standing at a crossroad we realized each corner had a different establishment dedicated to beer. My favorite was the Rhubarb IPA from local brewer Mob Craft. I only wish it had been more rhubarby...Mark did have an unfortunate encounter with a beer called Little Sister. He says she is nasty. Different strokes for different folks...

Lastly we sought out the holy grail of true Wisconsin foods...the Fried Cheese Curd. We found them in all their golden fried gooey glory. Yes, they were well worth the drive and parking fiasco and the nasty little sister. Behold their beauty!
The Sacred Curd.

We had a really great day and met some really fun people in our time at the Wisconsin State Fair...We saw a draft horse pull and met a mule and watched a disc dog demonstration. We also saw dock diving dogs and Mark had a Wisconsin brat with sauerkraut (he says it was really good) and I had a wonderful ear of sweet corn. We also took advantage of the photo ops presented to us...
I have no idea what this was...

Velociraptors like cream puffs too!

Who has a head as big as this cutout? Seriously!

I will leave you with a mystery science has yet to explain...
On the walk back to the car we saw in the middle of a crazy busy street a pair of baby shoes. How? Does? This? Happen?
At least this is a matched set.
Thank you Wisconsin State Fair for a glorious Sunday!

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