Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Newness & Oldness

A new city, a new start and a hell of a lot of stuff that needs to be sorted through.
We are mostly settled in the new house - even though you would never know if you looked in the office or the garage...

Chicago has brought its challenges and its rewards.

Moving is hard. Physically, mentally and emotionally.

The physical part is mostly over apart from the boxes in the garage.
The mental part has calmed down now that we have a place to call home, income and are meeting neighbors and making friends.
The emotional part fluxes. You miss the familiar. Friends. Food. Knowing where the hell you are going when you get in the car to go to the grocery store. We also lost our dear sweet Sydney not long after moving here. It was sudden and unexpected and I still expect to see her furry ass running up to me with a toy...

But, overall, it has been a welcome and happy transition I feel.

The food. I swear we could eat at a different  restaurant for every meal every single day for the next three years and still not venture further than two miles from the house. Oh and the food is amazing. I have had my first actual real ramen experience and the have heard of it, but until you actually experience it you just can't understand.  I may need to start my own Chicago Food blog lol. It IS that amazing.

More soon I have to work on the house clean up...we are having a guest!

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