Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Let's try this again

It has been forever since I set pen to paper so to say and I quite honestly have missed it. Of course I miss running too, but I haven't actually done it in over a month and before that ummmm yeah well I blame it on needing new shoes. Yep I said it. I NEED new shoes. Doesn't every woman NEED new shoes?

So what has happened since I last blogged.

My Mom has had two amputations. Same leg. First one didn't heal so they took some more. We tried to explain there are easier ways to lose weight.
She is home now and doing quite well. Getting prepped for a prosthetic that has a bionic knee. We CAN rebuild her! We have the technology. She should get that sometime soon.
So we added a full bathroom downstairs, moved Mom and Dads bedroom downstairs purged and cleaned. The new bathroom looks great and everyone is happy.

I got a new job.

I am now the Membership Coordinator at the Manlius Y. It is good. I have a team that does my bidding...I mean...nope I mean does my bidding. They are a great group and I am totally enjoying my new position. I like the challenge. I like my boss. I like my coworkers. And I like wine.

Oh for Christmas I got the last thing in the world I would ever have expected from my Mom (Dad totally did not approve, but she has gotten all willy nilly since the amputation)...she gave me a gift certificate for a tattoo. Seriously? Who is this wild woman. I have had my consult and now I am waiting on the art and then the actual needle in the ink in the foot. Excited and a little apprehensive. Pictures and inspiration to come...

Need to find some goals for the year. Need something to work toward.

Oh I saw a bald eagle and a snowy owl with in 30 minutes of each other a couple of days ago. That was fantastic. One more for the life list. Hoping it sticks around. Hedwig is beautiful.

I think that is all I know for now. I really hope to keep this up and find something useful to say...maybe next time I will talk about how I stopped washing my hair. Which is just another fun thing on my list of ridding our little world of yucky stuff.

1 comment:

  1. Your mother is nuts to give you a tat for Christmas. I know, I live with her. Chicken out... please.
