Friday, September 7, 2012

The first 13.1 - Going Half Crazy - Pre-race

Tomorrow is my first half-marathon.

Did I just utter those words? Out loud? Put them in print? For all the world to see? Holy crap. What am I thinking? I must have lost my mind. I am terrified.

I have been part of a running training group since the beginning of the year and part of a marathon training group since May. I run with great people...amazing people...people that inspire and drive me every time I step out the door. I have an amazing coach who has brought this goal closer to me. Who has shown me I CAN do this. I can cross the start line and the finish line in the same day :) Thank you.

Of course all this awesomeness can't go unnoticed by the irony gods. Wednesday I got a massive sinus infection. Oh yeah. Yep, the kind with uncontrolled snot dripping out of my nose, sneezing, unbelievable pressure inside my head and the overwhelming desire to sleep. I can be ditzy anyway, but add a nasty sinus issue on and wham I am a total flake. I am simply pleased I remembered I have a race tomorrow let alone that I had to go pick up my number and such today. I feel slightly better right now and I figure if I can make it through the first couple of miles I will be golden.

Speaking of picking up my number and race shirt...I think they are being a bit presumptuous in the shirt design? Finisher??? I haven't even started yet!

So tonight is prep night. I have never prepped for a 1/2 marathon before, although I have run 13 miles once I have never done it for time (not that any of my times are stellar - but I always find a way to cross the finish line). How do I prep for a 1/2 marathon? Do I do anything different than I would if tomorrow were just a long know a normal 3 hour long run?

I have gathered all of my race goodies together so I hopefully don't forget anything.

Dinner tonight was carb lovely...

And now back to the terrified part. I am going to wear my Y Runner shirt. I just want to do right by those I run with...give me strength.

So now I wait. Wait for tomorrow, wait to see what the weather brings, wait to see how my head feels, wait to get to the start line...and wait to finish.

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