Sunday, September 16, 2012

The best laid plans...

Of Mice and Men often go awry and so do my long run plans some days.

Let me start with last night.
Last night I got to wish a good friend well wishes on her upcoming move. She is such a beautiful person inside and out and I am going to miss hearing her stories and sharing running and tri stories both triumphs and tragedies with her. The one thing I won't miss sharing with itch. I am soooo over it.

This morning was supposed to be my long run and that is all I will say about that.

On a positive note I was very productive and me and St. Anthony found a few lost items and I tried my hand at canning tomatoes. I have canned before, but never tomatoes. The garden was bursting at the seems with amazing and beautiful and ripe tomatoes. Way more than a family of 15 could eat in a week. So what do you do with them? Lets can those bad boys so in the dreary throws of winter we can have a little taste of summer.

First of all it really isn't a difficult process to can anything. I enjoy it. I am still enjoying pickles my girl friend and I made last summer and I have been known on occasion to make mint jelly when I have more than my mojito consumption can use. But please for the love of all that is holy if I ever tell you I am going to can tomatoes again please make sure I am not canning 5 billion grape tomatoes which is what I had to work with today. So this simple process took about 3 times as long as it should have had I used regular sized tomatoes.

Aren't they pretty? This is way in the beginning and there is a huge dish of them in the sink waiting to be peeled.

All of those bagillion tomatoes and I get four stinkin' jars? Really?

The finished product. did that glass of wine get in there? I swear it's not mine. 
Okay, it is mine.

So post canning I did get in a base run around my neighborhood which is so not the long run I was thinking I was going to do, but I am proud of myself for getting out the door and getting some pavement into my life today.

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