Monday, October 17, 2016

How natural do you want to go?

Wait, what? You don't use store bought deodorant? What?

When you actually stop and think about it when did this start? Why did we as a society decide that all of these extra products were needed?
Here is a brief history provided by Mental Floss...interesting stuff.
And another from Smithsonian Magazine on how advertising has convinced us that what is natural is bad. Advertising. So good. So bad. Advertisers have convinced us super sizing everything was good or that dairy is the best way to get calcium...that dental product with fluoride is how you prevent cavities and so much more.

Sorting it all out can be difficult. What is actually good and needed and what is propaganda and fluff. That is up to you to research and sift through all the mumbo jumbo. What is actually in the deodorant you use? Do you know? Do you know why the ingredients are there? Do you know what happens when these are absorbed into your skin? Maybe nothing. But maybe something.

I am here though to share my experience with making and using my own deodorant. 

I have been making my own deodorant for a few years now and I couldn't be happier. There are rare opportunities that I will use something commercial, but it is few and far between. 

So what happens when you switch?
In the early stages I found myself sweating more than previous, but it was just different and new to me and the longer I left my clogs unplugged the less I noticed extra wetness. Now I hardly notice it at all. 

So the question I am sure you are all asking is do you stink?
Your body changes and you notice a different musk generally at the end of the day or if I forget to reapply for a day or two, but I have not noticed any significant changes in my aroma. 

Do I have any regrets? Nope. Would I go back? Nope. 
Where do you get your hands on some of this awesome all natural (and healthy) pit product? 
You can make your own. It is pretty quick and easy, but I understand you may not want to take the time to do this. 
If you don't want to make your own...Our Company - Bad Hippies - actually sells it and I am more than happy to support your journey toward less gunk on and in your bodies, while you are supporting our small business.

If you are willing to take on the task, here is the basic recipe that I use.
1/3 C beeswax (we buy ours from local beekeepers)
1/3 C coconut oil
1/3 C Shea Butter
1/3 C arrowroot powder (you can use baking soda or any combination of the two - some people find the baking soda too harsh so I stick with arrowroot alone)
2 T Bentonite clay (it latches on to heavy metals and help pull them out of your body)
20ish drops of essential oils of your choice. I most frequently use geranium and tea tree oils.

Melt the wax and coconut oil over low heat.
Remove from heat and stir in the dry ingredients.
Allow to cool slightly and stir in the essential oils.
Dispense into a container for storage. 
Keep in a cool dark space because in high heat it can liquefy again. If that happens just toss it in the fridge and let it harden again.

This recipe is forgiving and you can tweek it to your liking...

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