Saturday, October 22, 2016

Easiest holiday decoration EVER!

As the seasons started changing and the nights have been getting chilly it was time to bring in the plants that has so happily been living outside this summer. It is starting to look like a jungle in the house and I love it! The problem is, now the house looks naked - even with the creeper cat in the window...

All of a sudden it dawns on me. What I initially wanted was something I could change with the seasons and accompanying holidays. What I got was in Mark's words, "why the hell are there a Christmas trees outside the house? It isn't even Halloween!" I tried without success to explain they were just pretty lighted decorations and the house needed something and that we could totally call them Halloween lights. He wasn't buying it.

So here is my ridiculously easy, super quick holiday tree outdoor (although I am sure you could use it indoor too) lights!

Look out Lowes here I come and this time I didn't buy even one can of spray paint!
What I did buy was tomato cages (surprisingly they were on sale - it seems most people in the Chicago aren't growing tomatoes in October) and string lights suitable for outdoor use. I bought two different sizes of tomato cage and white and gold lights since I couldn't find orange in my three minute search of the light isle.

The tomato cage hides pretty well in the kitchen.

I turned the cage upside down and zip tied the legs together. Then I wrapped that sucker with lights (insert Mary Alice in my head saying it needs more lights, don't go skimpy on the lights). I may have gone overboard on the first on. It was a small cage and I wrapped that bad boy with 500 lights. I actually think it may be visible from space!

BooBoo is judging me with his eyes. I know he thinks there are TOO MANY lights on this one.

I think they turned out pretty cute and they fill the void in the corner of the house. Of course I am not actually allowed to plug them in yet, because clearly they are Christmas trees and not the orange Halloween ones I had envisioned...but if I find them I have one cage waiting to be wrapped...

I may add another string of gold onto the larger cage, but overall I am pleased. So if you have old tomato cages lying around and a few strings of lights...this may be a fun project to try.

One thing I would do differently next time is I would try using two cages stacked together so that the shape would be more round than triangular, but as long as you aren't right on top of them you wouldn't notice.

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