Saturday, December 8, 2012

Confessions of a lip balm addict...

My name is Mo and I have a problem...a problem with chapstick, lip balm, burt's, lip smackers, medicated, plain, honey, menthol, cherry I like it all and I can't stop, especially in the dark and cold depressing winters here in Upstate - New York.

So what is this hippie chickie supposed to do? This stuff can be expensive. And I lose it. All. The. Time. Or I wash it and that goes over well...

After a wee bit of research which includes many hours of in depth research on pinterest (I love all you creative types - so many amazing ideas!). I found about 8,000 different recipes for homemade lip balm. The next task is do I have all the ingredients in the house and if not can I piece together a recipe from what I have and what I like best from several of the ideas.

My recipe was something like this:
one quarter to one third ounce of bees wax from the local farmers market
a few tablespoons of coconut oil
a few capsules of vitmin E
a few drops of peppermint essential oil

Pre lip balm.

I set up a double boiler and melted the bees wax then added the coconut oil. Stirred it all together and popped open the vitamin E and squeezed it in and lastly added the peppermint oil (which I can't even tell is in there).

The melted stuff in the double boiler.

This project had been on my radar for a bit so we have been saving used tubes which I boiled and cleaned and then refilled with my new concoction. This small amount that I made filled all of the empty tubes I had and there is still a mess left over. Hopefully I will be able to find more containers locally that  can be used.

The tubes-cleaned, and refilled.

My review = AWESOME!

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