Friday, December 7, 2012

A glimpse in to my inner hippie - makin' stuff!

So much free time. 

Now that I don't have my days jam packed with long runs, and speed work and hydrating I find I have time for other real life stuff. There is also a household ban on electronic devices in the house during the week after 5:00 pm (unless it is work related or text or phone calls) which has also allowed me to be more creative and slightly more organized.

If you know me even a little you know I am a tree hugging, recycling, garden growing, vegetarian, hippie chick. What you may not know is how we are trying to purge so many nasty chemical filled products from the house and from our bodies.  So we make stuff. Some conventional and self serving and some because if you read labels it might scare you with what goes into that crap.

Okay so here are a few of the recent creations (let me know if you want to know about one of these and I will try to get to it in a timely manner).

In no particular order:

- laundry soap
- shampoo
- conditioner
- sauerkraut
- kimchi
- eye moisturizer
- lip balm
- kombucha
- bread
- mozzarella cheese
- shower cleaner
- hardwood floor cleaner
- canned home grown tomatoes
- mint jelly

I am sure there are more, but I am totally drawing a blank.

I have been trying to photo document the making of these creations but have missed some of the early ones and when we need to replenish I will try to take pics.

I will start with an easy one. Today I made an eye cream. Super duper easy. Super duper good for you.
Oh and I am what is called a dump cooker and the same goes for these creations. I just kinda wing it...(sorry Clara)

Coconut oil & vitamin E. Yep there you have it. That's it. Easy is what I do.
I melted a few tablespoons of good quality coconut oil (it is solid below 80ish something degrees) and stirred in 4 vitamin E capsules that I drained into the melted coconut oil. I then put it all in a cleaned out glass jar that formerly housed a sugar body scrub.

Two ingredients and a jar. That's it. No gunk. No junk. Just good for you all natural eye cream.

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