Friday, June 8, 2012

What if I come in last?

So I am now officially registered for the Outer Banks Marathon in November. Twenty five weeks. It seems like an eternity and it feels like tomorrow.

I am terrified. I am elated. I am proud that I had the courage to make the commitment. I am.

Now what? This is a small race of just over 1200. The Boilermaker has 14,000. I was close to the back of the pack running the Boilermaker and it wasmore than 10x bigger.

What if I am last? Seriously. What if I am last? It is entirely possible. And it scares me. Really scares me. What if I am last by a lot? Like 30 minutes or more...I envision myself slogging along being followed by the police car or biker or whoever is tasked with bringing up the rear.

At work today I talked with Deb Green. She is an instructor at the Y and a marathoner herself. Her first marathon she was last. Deb told me it was the best experience of her life. She wouldn't want it to have happened any other way. She teared up telling me the story and I am blessed to have had her share it with me.

People cheer the loudest for the winner and the one who dares to finish last.

What do I say to finishing at the back of the pack now?

So what if I come in last...


  1. Not worried about you finishing last... just wondering if you can get to the Manteo Bridge 1:30.

  2. If I can't maintain a 17:30 pace (which the website says you will need to get there by 1:30pm) I must be slower than I thought.

  3. True... but it is at mile 23. Kinda like the heartbreak hill of the OBX
