Wednesday, June 13, 2018

The beauty of clay!

Clay. So simple and so powerful.

Natural ingredients. We strive to incorporate the power of natural ingredients in all of our bad hippies products. Clays are such an amazing and powerful natural tool that are often overlooked.

Growing up the only consideration I gave to clay was that it was a pain in the ass to dig through and it did not make for a nice garden as plants aren't so fond of it.

Fast forward to a few years later...

Now that I run two businesses I get exposed to new to me things all the time - like clay and how it can be used in so many areas for healthy skin.

In my Rodan + Fields business our Redfine Mask contains koalin clay which has been used in beauty products for centuries. Koalin (also known as China Clay) helps clean and exfoliate your skin by absorbing excess water and oil into itself. It is a totally amazing clay...

My favorite and most widely used clay at the moment is bentonite.

"Also known as montmorillonite, bentonite clay is clay formed from the ash of volcanoes. The name “Bentonite” comes from the location of the largest source of the clay: Fort Benton, WY." - Global Healing Center 

Why is bentonite my fave?
It is all about electricity baby.

Bentonite produces an electrical charge when mixed with water. 
Say what?
This negative charge then bonds with metals and toxins in your body whisking them away and helping your body purify itself!

Bentonite + pits = WINNER!

This bonding with the nasty stuff is why I use it in our bad hippies all natural deodorant - it is also why our deodorant has a darkish color. Bye bye conventional deodorant junk, hello fresh happy pits!

I also believe this is why so many people that have switched from conventional deodorant to our natural product have experienced either little or no pit detox time. 

Yeah for less funk and gunk all the way around!

Bentonite is also amazing for your face!

It seems so counter intuitive to put basically mud on your face, but it is exactly what you should be doing.

The hippies also sell pure clay masks in our good for the body line just for this purpose.

To use mix (remember to never use metal to mix your clay, this will reduce its ability to bond with the toxins and metals in your skin) with enough water to form a paste and the apply to your face. 
It will be thick! 
Leave on your face for about 20 minutes and wash off with warm water.

Use this gloriousness 1 to 2x a week.

Want to switch it up?

  • mix the clay with plain yougurt
  • add essential oils like frankincense or patchouli for added awesomness
  • can also be used on minor skin irritations like, scrapes, razor burn, bug bites, minor cuts, itchy skin, and blemishes
Do you use bentonite for any other awesome purposes?
Let me know what they are!!!

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