Friday, April 26, 2013

Right now I blog like I run...slow. I should be called a Slogger for both examples.

It has been FOREVER since I sat down to blog. I have thought about it many times, but for this reason or that I just haven't. Maybe part of it is this can be so personal. That if you are not careful you might bare too much of your soul or share a nugget that is considered a secret or maybe I am just lazy and I hate the winters here. The lack of sun makes me go into a state of hibernation or at least estivation (if you don't know what this is...look it up it can be your biology lesson of the day). When the sun finally comes out I am about the color of Bella in Breaking Dawn but much less sparkly and my vitamin D is non-existent. So today the sun is shining and there is no snow on the ground - finally, although it is still chilly I will take it.

Today was a good day. I got to sleep in. I didn't have to work. I got to spend a few hours out garage sale-ing with Mark and then I got to take Lola out for a ride. But first my most awesome fantastic jaw dropping almost favorite new/old lamp garage sale find...

OMG it has been a seriously long time since I have gotten to bike outside and I really missed it. Indoor cycling is like running on the treadmill for me...they both suck. A LOT! On my brief ride today I got to listen to the birds sing, pull over for an emergency vehicle, ride WITH traffic, soak up some sun, see and smell what I believe was a dead cat and other than the dead cat part enjoy the outside. After I got back I made Lola pose for a picture...I think she was blushing.

Now hours later I have bottled our first ever homemade wine. The first attempt is a ginger wine which is made with several hot peppers in it and it is sweet and quite tasty with a wee bit of a kick at the end. I am happy with the outcome although I don't think the alcohol content is very high...I think we might have found a new x-mas present for people! Oh and it is pretty to boot!!!

Okay I don't want to run out of things to until next time when we discuss other stuff and talk about how I am going to make it on a century ride. What was I thinking. I say that a lot.

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