Sunday, November 25, 2012

Marathon - part deux. 0-13.1

You technically start this race in Southern Shores (Southern freakin' Shores - if you have been to the Outer Banks Southern Shores is really really really really far from Manteo). The first few miles were fine. Not much to say. Just like the start of any long run for me. I did feel like I was working fairly hard and was trying to keep a steady pace... after all I have never done anything more than about 16 miles at this point and you know I don't want to go TOO FAST (see photo below).

This is one of those Oops photos, the ones you don't actually mean to take, but I love it! It makes it look like I am going super fast. Look at that blur from all the speed!!! WHEEEEEEEEE!
Out of Southern Shores - proceed to Kitty Hawk.

The route was beautiful and I am such a gawker when I am out...oh tree, look at the butterfly, I love that landscaping. I also took pictures as you can see (I learned this from a fellow awesome running friend) and talked to the spectators and fellow runners.  About mile three my favorite athletic supporter was on the side of the road to cheer me on holding a sign saying - THE END IS NEAR! Needless to say he was completely lying to me.


I wish I had taken more pictures. Not really sure what I was thinking about, but I know I was not thinking about how much further I had to go. The route took you along a trail along the Albemarle Sound and some amazing houses. A perfect day.

A pier in the Albemarle Sound. The sky fades into the water...about mile 4.

Another picture of the pretty. Still about mile 4.

Out of Kitty Hawk - proceed into Kill Devil Hills

Right after entering KDH there was a couple cowbells in hand welcoming all of the runners to Kill Devil Hills. I swear they were real estate agents.

Somewhere about mile 5.5 I had a group of spectators who were drinking beer and other good stuff (this is about 8:30 in the morning) offer me a mimosa. Normally this would be awesome, but I had a million more miles to go and no way to bring enough with me to keep me tipsy until the end. I declined saying I would prefer a bloody mary...which they said they could make me. I love spectators with mad bar tending skills.

Still smiling at this point...the delirium has not yet set in.

Mile 8 (I so should have taken bad) I was passing the Wright Brothers Memorial. Thankfully you don't have to run UP to the monument just around the base. Passing the memorial more awesome GO MO GO supporters with signs WORST PARADE EVER and HURRY UP THEY ARE RUNNING OUT OF BEER! After the memorial the terrain changes from road running to off road running.

Off the road - onto the trails!

Miles 10 to almost mile13 are run through the Nags Head Woods Nature Preserve a beautiful non-paved they are not dirt, but sand. Soft on the knees, bad as we will see, on the feet.

Mile 11.

The mile marker tent sponsors out here where I am sure only a handful of OBX visitors have ever gone are fantastic.  I stopped at the medical tent out here in no where land to empty my shoes of road far so good. Right before turning up a steep trail was a group handing out oranges and banana bread and enthusiastic cheers...not that it made the hill and entrance into the true trail portion easier, but it was great to have people out here cheering us slow back-of-the-packers on.

The trail was a narrow path through a beautiful maritime forest. I am thankful for my trail running time I have had with so many wonderful people in New York at Green Lakes and Beaver Lake.

Gorgeous Maritime Forest Trail
The trail was gorgeous. Run Run Run.

Out of the woods...back onto the roads. 
Wow. This is really long. So I am going to make this a three parter. The second half deserves just as much thought as the first and I have more pictures and musings to share if you will have me.

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