Thursday, August 30, 2012

A new kind of tired.

So my training for the Outer Banks Marathon continues. Now that I am finished with the triathlon I have shifted my focus to running and lifting. I run six days a week: 4 base runs, 1 speed work, and 1 long run per week. My long runs are up to 2 hours 45 minutes - three hours. That is a lot of running. And I am lifting three times a week.

Whew I am tired. This is a new kind of tired for me. My body is drained and still I push on. I cannot even express to you in words how much I am looking forward to November 12 (the day after the race).

I refer to this as a race. This is not a race I am running against the clock nor is it a race I am running to beat anyone. This is a race against me and against all of those little demons that keep creeping in...those little monsters that whisper in my ear 'how in the world are you going to finish this run? You won't even have run more than 20 miles before this race...' I hate this little voices. They make me mad.

My first marathon for me is not a about how fast I can finish or if I finish last, it is about conquering this fear. I will not qualify for Boston - hell I wouldn't even qualify for the Senior Games...but I WILL finish.

More to come soon...I hope. I need to share my food. RUNger is real.

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