Friday, May 25, 2012

A little bit of running...

Oddly the past two weeks have felt like really good running weeks for me. I don't say this often, in fact I am not sure I have ever spoken those words out loud.

I have added a longer set of intervals to the mix to help up my mileage in preparation for the Boilermaker and I think it is helping and dare I say I almost like it?  My long runs are up to the 75-90 minute range and I have been enjoying those too. Of course, I have been running them at Green Lakes State Park and the scenery definitely helps. I am still looking for a running buddy of the two legged variety. I am slow and while I feel I am getting faster I think much of that is mental and not actual reality, but I am fine with that because any improvement is fantastic real or perceived.

I am looking for a 1/2 sometime after the Boilermaker - if I can run 9.3 miles why not 13.1? Again, did those words actually just get typed for everyone to see? I thought about Turning Stone,  but I am mad at them so I am not going to do that one, so the hunt continues.

I have taken Lola out for a few rides OH OH OH I did my first actual for real honest to goodness brick the other day (a brick is a training for a tri where you do two of the disciplines one immediately following the other most frequently a ride and a run). Lola and I went for about 8 miles, I came home changed my shoes and went right back out and ran. It was only a base run, but wow. It is strange transitioning your muscle groups like that. From hamstrings to quads...but I made it and strangely even though I felt like I was going my usual super slow pace, I finished my base run loop about 30 seconds faster than usual and for me that is significant. The run was only 1.3 miles, but I did it and I was proud.

Lessons learned this week:
-chaffing sucks
-it is confirmed I do love running in the rain
-chaffing sucks
-I am digging cycling
-ice baths work wonders on my lower legs

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