Friday, June 16, 2017

Jicama salsa...who knew?

So on occasion we will host get togethers at the house. Sometimes they are elaborate and sometimes super casual. The one constant somehow I always always always make too much food.
Mark and I are making a valiant effort to make our food intake more whole and healthy and way less processed and junky. When I was looking for recipes to make for a mini shindig I went to a few of my FAVORITE cookbooks in the world...Thug Kitchen (want to know more click the link and check it out for will not regret it). You may be asking yourself what is a Thug Kitchen? It is one of the most kick ass vegan cookbooks out there. Why so special? One, they cuss - all the fucking time - which aligns with my normal verbal outbursts. Two, the recipes are easy. They have easy ingredients and easy to follow directions. Three, the food is kick ass amazing. Even if you aren't vegan you need this. Seriously.

Okay a digress. 

So I wanted to make a few easy appetizers and I found a recipe for jicama corn salsa. Bam. Done.

If you have never had jicama you should. It is a root vegetable that originated in Mexico. You peel it. You chop it up. You eat. Yum.

This is jicama. My local supermarket carries it. Look for it.

First you peel this bad boy then chop it however the recipe calls for. For this recipe I diced up about half of this bad boy.
This is jicama peeled. This should be a band name...jicama peeled. Make it so.

This recipe was super simple and peeling the jicama is what took the most time.

Next I diced up some tomatoes...and before I go any further I would like to give mad props to anyone that can make dicing a tomato look easy. I always mangle those little bastards.

Next about half of a red onion...the sign said it was sweet, well sweet shouldn't make me cry. Stupid onion.

I did cheat a bit because the recipe called for fresh corn, but I had half a bag of roasted corn from Trader Joe's so I heated that up and used that instead of dealing with one of the ears of corn I had...I ain't got time for that.

The last ingredient was juice of a eye of a newt I neglected to get this so I used some good lemon juice I had on hand. That's it. Done. It is magical.

Jicama is sweet and crunchy and seriously delicious. I found myself munching on it all evening. It would make an amazing easy healthy snack and I think I will need to have this on hand more often.

The recipe is something like this:
2 cups diced jicama
1 cup diced tomato - I used more
About a half cup of diced red onion
1 cup-ish of sweet corn
the juice of a lime (or if you are like me lemon juice)
Combine and eat. Yum.

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