Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Something new for breakfast! Cinnamon sugar fried sweet potatoes!

The eternal question: What's for breakfast?
Something new!

I love breakfast. Always have, which is odd because I come from a long line of non breakfast eaters...what is wrong with them?

So in the quest to add something new to the rotation I decided to add sweet potatoes. Yep, for breakfast. But what was I going to do with them? Looking around the kitchen I get inspiration from the left over cinnamon sugar from the previous days Christmas Cookie extravaganza. Okay here goes nothing!

I had purchased some sweet potatoes at Trader Joe's and had yet to use these little beauties so I grabbed two (they were on the smallish side - not the monster sized ones you get at some restaurants) and sliced them like I was going to fry regular potatoes.

I heated up one of my favorite cast iron skillets and tossed the sweet potatoes in. I cooked them until they turned a lovely golden brown (some might have gotten a bit overdone, but I am easily distracted), turning them often to make sure they cooked all the way through. My cast iron is well seasoned so I didn't add much oil, but I did toss in some Earth Balance Vegan Butter (If you haven't tried it, it is quite good) during the cooking. Yes, I am a veg head, but I am doing my best to incorporate more vegan meals into the rotation for personal and environmental reasons.

After they begin to brown I sprinkled them with the cinnamon sugar mixture - making sure to turn them so they get coated evenly-ish.

I served them with some homemade bread that had been toasted and we were good to go. I dressed the sweet potatoes with a bit of maple syrup and poof a delicious twist on breakfast potatoes. They turned out better than I had imagined and these will definitely happen again.

Do you have any happy recipes you have stumbled upon? Happy accidents? I would love to try them...

Why the ocean for a recipe? Because we all need a like ocean in our lives - even if we are currently living in the Midwest.

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