Monday, November 7, 2016

Mid-Century Popsicle Stick + Spray Painted Sea Shells = Amazing Wall Art!

I actually have a thing for the Brady House...

I know I know. I am not ready to rip out the kitchen and go all in with avocado and tangerine, but come on there is something about mid-century that calls to me. You know you have heard it. Don't deny it.

We have a plain wall in our bathroom. It bothers me. We rent, so major renovations are not to be, but we can make it ours. Our bathroom has basic tan colored walls with dark finished wood and dark fixtures. It is nice, but it is kinda boring. I have hung a few pictures to give it some color, but had one wall that needed something.

Thank you Pinterest for providing inspiration. Thank you for having so many popsicle stick crafts. Who knew?

So...what you need:
Popsicle sticks
Glue (I used Gorilla Wood Glue, but hot glue would work or tacky glue, just something sturdy)
Paint or stain if desired
Stuff to put on your awesome creation!

I got my inspiration from Make & Do Crew Thank You!!! Jess got fancy and make a template (visit her awesome page if you would like that lovely resource!). If you know me, you know I am a total winger. Recipes...I scoff at them. Directions? HA!!!!
So why start now?
I made my basic hexagon. 

And then I glued three alternating sticks on each level and kept going and going and going and going level after level after level...My goal was to give it enough depth to hold a tea cup. Why a tea cup? I have been learning the love of succulents. I had a tea cup. I had succulents. They started dating. Got married. Had some chicks. The rest is history.
The chick tea cup...
Around and around we go...until we got to a sufficient depth.

Let the glue dry. Mine dried overnight. So today We Paint!!!! I LOVE PAINTING!!!!

I decided to stain this time. I used some stain I had on hand which was a Minwax Polystain in Tudor. I used a cheap small chip brush I had on hand and had not previously violated and coated this bad boy with one coat of polystain.

It is subtle, but it is there. The night prior to painting I was talking to MA (Mary Alice aka my mom) and we discussed what color I should paint this...we initially came to the conclusion of white with a dusting of gold. Clearly I ignored her motherly advice and stained it, but I did give it a dusting with Rustoleum Gold Metallic spray paint. It is hard to make out, but I happened.

Here is the horrible wall I needed to fill...


The wall with the stained popsicle stick mid-century hexagonal creation.

Now what do I put in it? I tried the succulent filled tea cup, but this is fairly high up on the wall...So unless you are seven feet tall you won't see the adorable chicks. Plan B.

Sea shells. I have a billion of them from going to Duck, NC for about 35 years. I have spray paint. I saw in passing spray painting sea shells. BAM! Thank you Style Blueprint for putting this into my brain! Click here for my inspiration. What could be better? Spray paint? Sea shells? LOVE!!!

The obligatory before.
Enter my love...Rustoleum Silver Metallic Spray Paint. And holy hell I have silver sea shells. That is tough to say!!!!


Here it comes all together. Plus a metallic bird I already had. I seriously love it. I need more. Prepare for a trifecta of awesome mid-century inspired hexagons filled with whatever isn't nailed down that I can spray paint. Look out Boo Boo Cat!

I am so happy with how it turned out and you can almost make out the hint of gold spray paint I added...almost.

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