Friday, July 4, 2014

Getting the junk out. Soaps and shampoos and deodorants oh my!

I have seen a few posts float by on social media lately about suspicious chemicals in everyday products like deodorant and hair products. I have mentioned a few times about trying to get rid of the unneeded junk and use more natural products in cleaning the house, as well as, cleaning myself.
A few years back now I suppose we started being more aware and informed consumers and started educating ourselves on what goes into the products we use and where those products come from and some of them are quite scary. Even if science contradicts itself on whether these ingredients cause harm or not...why would I want to slather myself (and those I love) in parabins and aluminum and sulfates and a million things I can't pronounce that clearly are not naturally occurring in this universe.

At least a year ago I started experimenting with natural deodorants. You can buy some in the store, but most are no longer independently owned nor as healthy or socially/environmentally aware as they started out. So out come the internets and looking up some homemade recipes and have tried several with varying degrees of success.
A few that have been tried:
-Plain coconut oil
-cornstarch and coconut oil
My go to now is bentonite clay, coconut oil, cornstarch and tea tree oil. It really works well. I haven't felt the need to refresh or try something new in quite a while. No on tells me I am stink and I don't notice any funk so I would say it is a success. It takes longer to get the ingredients together than it does to make.

I also ditched shampoo. And conditioner. And everything else too. Okay I still color my hair and I still use alcohol free gel, but I haven't washed my hair in probably 8 months. I shared this with one of my coworkers the other day and they asked, "how do you get your hair clean?" to which I replied' "does my hair look dirty?" Nope. Nor stinky. Nor greasy. Nor anything but awesome. I think I may try to ditch the gel too and just use a little bit of coconut oil.
On occasion I will use some baking soda or borax to get any buildup off and may add a drop or two of the conditioner that comes with hair color to my gel but other than that I just run water through it in the shower and we are good to go.
Not one person has a clue that I don't wash my hair unless I tell them.

I know. I am a total hippie chick...but I must say I am way happier and much healthier for it.

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