Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Why I sometimes run and why I should run more often...

I was talking to a friend about running the other day and she like myself does not always enjoy the process of running. We have both run recreationally and competitively - me I mostly compete against myself because most people don't run as slowly as I do...
So why running? Why not practically anything else? For me it is measurable. When I do kickboxing or yoga or another form of exercise I don't notice the differences. I am sure I get better, stronger, more able, but when you run you can see it.
Each time out offers you the chance to go a little further. To go a little faster. To go a little longer. You can see it. Sometimes you can feel it.

The other reason I sometimes run and definitely should do it more often is it helps me feel better. I don't just mean physically, but mentally too.
There are times usually in the fall and more pronounced every couple of years that fall overwhelms me. Little things set me off and for no reason...a broken jar while canning...jelly that I forgot to turn over that set on the wrong end of the jar...not having enough hours in a day...anything.

For me running helps.
BooBoo keeps my running shoes warm and safe...

It get my blood flowing.
The wetness that runs down my face is sweat and not tears.
It gets the good juju moving through my body.
It helps me purge the yuck floating around and makes me a much happier person.

I am also finding this measurableness and release in lifting. I started lifting a few months ago and have mostly focused on the squat. Just last week I hit my new personal best at a 5x5 at 170lbs. Not too shabby. I can't tell you how entertaining it is when I get in the rack and lift two or three times as much as the high school or college athlete next to me.

This week I added in the deadlift. Started at 5x5 at 130lbs. I am told that this number will go up quickly and soon I will be deadlifting more than I squat.

Lifting releases good feeling stuff too...

This is why I run and now why I lift. It hurt and makes you sore and it hard and heavy but it is measurable and it gives me happy, positive, awesome vibes...